
How To Get Tough Hands

Toughen Hand Calluses

If you work out a lot, then you will realize your hands develop calluses and can be a bit unsightly and uncomfortable. But what are they? Calluses are hardened areas that are formed mostly in the palms and on the inside of the fingers as a result of the pressure that is placed on these areas.

When the hands are not properly positioned, it puts the hands in an unbalanced position and forces you to cause friction against objects you hold. The build-up of dead cells makes it hard for you to function with your hands effectively as it creates a sometimes painful feeling for your hand. However, the calluses are best when they are neither too hard nor soft, as if they are the "wrong texture," they can be a real issue.

So, if you are a gym-goer, weightlifter, rock climber, or a regular athlete and you are interested in knowing the best and easy ways to develop and toughen up your hand calluses for a better grip, then you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to show you how to toughen hand calluses without any side effects.

Why do you need to toughen up calluses on your hands?

When your calluses become too soft, they can do more harm to your hand than good as the area becomes sensitive and can result in underlying tissue damages. Being too low makes them susceptible to rips, tears, and blisters. As such, when your calluses become too low, there are multiple methods of hardening calluses on hands. The hands are used not only in the gym but for every activity you conduct daily, so toughening up the calluses (but not overgrown!) will provide a barrier between your hands and with the object you came in contact.

Tips for hardening calluses on your hands

There are multiple ways to toughen callus skin, and these can be done naturally with simple ingredients. In addition to treating and healing your calluses, you can implement other methods to harden your hand calluses to include:

1. Use a Bucket Full of Rice to increase the grip

Rice is known to have sapping elements in terms of draining fluid from objects. As it relates to your hands, when it is overly moist, it can cause more danger as you may not be able to get a proper grip or position your hands properly. Immersing your hands in moist will help to get it firm and develop some level of toughness. It will also strengthen your wrist strength as your hands will be left firm in position for up to 7 minutes. The compact spacing of the rice when you push in your hands helps to condition the knuckles in position. The process can be repeated multiple times per day.

2. Tire Workout

Tire workout is a great way to build and strengthen the calluses on your hands. This is a heavy-duty workout, and in addition to getting a full-body exercise, you will keep your hand firm with the grip and pressure. With the tire, you can do multiple flip sessions or use a bat (or sledgehammer) to pound the tire continually. This will build muscle strength as well as the nerves in your hands. It hardens the calluses on your hand when done repeatedly as the force the thrusts create stability in the hands.

3. Lifting

Heavy gym equipment is a key factor in helping you to build and toughen your hand calluses. Calluses are good when you workout as it helps to protect your hands against the hard surfaces you come in contact with. When you do heavy-duty lifting with soft calluses, your hands become susceptible to easy ripping and tearing. Once the calluses are formed on your hands, the lifting will be made easier as the pain and cramps you generally encounter from workouts will be reduced or eliminated.

Tips for maintaining toughen hand calluses built up

Calluses are good when they form on your hands as they help to protect you against hard surfaces and objects that you grip. However, you must understand the importance of treating these calluses to feel not only comfortable when you use your hands but also for safe hands. When you develop calluses, here are a few tips to help you in taking care of them:

1. Use Chalk when Lifting

When your hands are slippery during a workout, it increases the chances of your calluses to rip and tear. Sweaty palms do not give a proper grip, so your hands are placed under pressure to hold properly. Therefore, during your workout session, it is important to add chalk to your hands to improve the grip and have a more stable grip. Also, the chalk creates a minimal barrier between the callus and the lifting objects.

2. Level callus with hands callus remover

Callus Performance, Callus Remover tool, is by far one of the most effective tools you can use to treat and take care of your calluses. When you develop calluses, they will grow thicker, and if left untreated, will be uncomfortable on your hand and cause the workout to be an uphill task. The Callus Remover is made with a shaving area (grits) that you rub over the calluses to remove the excess dead skin cells. After all, calluses are best when not too thick or too soft.

3. Use a callus healing salve

callus performance healing salve

Calluses are inevitable to become ripped when you work out without taking the necessary steps in protecting your hands against the machine and lifting equipment. As such, when you finish working out, you can add the healing salve to your hands to help it repair and heal possible tears. For a fact, calluses will go under pressure when you workout, and as such, the healing salve with soothing elements such as tea tree oil, coconut oil, and shea butter will help to repair your hands naturally. It is effective as it can be left on the hands overnight and covered with cotton gloves to help heal naturally.


Your hand care is your responsibility, and treating your calluses is the best bet to having comfortable hands. Though they can be unsightly, it is important to develop calluses to protect your hands against pressure and other hard surfaces. The highlighted tips have proven effective in toughen your hand calluses, and once this is done, you have to ensure you care for them. Shaving your calluses and using a soothing repair element to restore your hands (callus remover and healing salve) is efficient in having your hands in the best shape.

How To Get Tough Hands


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